Pan Janek jest emerytowanym policjantem i hydraulikiem. Rozmawialiśmy o braku centralnego ogrzewania w staromiejskich kamienicach, katastrofie w Smoleńsku, śmierci Bieriezowskiego i innych niewyjaśnionych tajemnicach 21 wieku.
Mr. Janek is a retired police officer and a plumber. We talked about the lack of central heating in the old town houses, the Smolensk plane chrash, the death of Berezovsky and other unexplained mysteries of the 21st century.
Mr. Janek is a retired police officer and a plumber. We talked about the lack of central heating in the old town houses, the Smolensk plane chrash, the death of Berezovsky and other unexplained mysteries of the 21st century.
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