Nie można nauczyć się jazdy na rowerze, czytając poradnik i nie wsiadając nigdy na rower. Podobnie jest z jazdą samochodem i z setką innych rzeczy. Czasami trzeba po prostu złapać za kierownicę i zacząć przebierać nogami najszybciej, jak to możliwe bez oglądania się za siebie.
You can't learn to ride a bike reading a tutorial and never getting on the one. It's the same with driving a car and a hundred other things. Sometimes you just have to grab the handlebar and start to move your feet as quickly as possible without looking back.
You can't learn to ride a bike reading a tutorial and never getting on the one. It's the same with driving a car and a hundred other things. Sometimes you just have to grab the handlebar and start to move your feet as quickly as possible without looking back.
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